Ganja Yoga Cannabis Strain Journal Pink (Hard Copy)

Ganja Yoga Cannabis Strain Journal Pink (Hard Copy)


Whether you're just beginning your relationship with cannabis or a seasoned toker, using a diary to track your consumption methods and strains will deepen your appreciation for the plant's power to heal and bring bliss.

Track your dose, the farm or dispensary you purchased your cannabis from, and take note of how the plant added to your yoga practice, hike, or intimacy session.

Keeping track of your cannabis consumption helps you to be a mindful cannabis user and find the products, amounts, and ways to get high that are best for you.

The hard copy diary has 50 pages and is professionally bound.

Note: Journals are shipped on the 1st & 3rd Friday of each month.

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1. Why keep a cannabis journal?

Keeping a journal helps us to be a conscious cannabis consumer, bringing mindfulness to our consumption experience and the effects of the plant. This helps us feel more connected to cannabis' healing powers and our favorite ways to consume it for various activities.

2. What are the benefits of tracking my cannabis use?

Some of the benefits of tracking our cannabis use include: Reducing our consumption to save money and have a more respectful relationship to the medicine. It's also fun to look back over the journal after some time to see how our consumption trends might change.

3. How do I use the cannabis journal?

Each time you're packing a bowl or rolling up a fatty, take note of how much you use and how you feel. Begin to get in the habit of tracking your use and soon it will become second-nature. Bring your journal with you to your Ganja Yoga classes or out on hikes with friends, and let it be a conversation-starter.